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The global market size for bone grafts and substitutes is estimated to be about $2.8B, with more than 2 million bone graft procedures performed worldwide each year. Although bone autografts and allografts are widely used, they suffer from a high risk of infections and rejection by the immune system. Additive manufacturing using hydroxyapatite-based scaffolds has been proposed as an alternative that can generate customized 3D-printed patient-specific implantable scaffold structures. However, present processes are incapable of printing with high resolution. Furthermore, the amount of ceramic material within many inks is limited to less than about 30% by weight of the printing ink, which reduces elasticity and structure strength. Furthermore, elevated temperatures are required for printing.
PCT and US patents pending:
ADASRI researchers have developed new compositions of matter (inks) and associated 3D printing methods that allow room-temperature printing of high-resolution and mechanically stronger composite scaffold structures. The 3D printing inks include calcium phosphate cement (CPC) powders and a biocompatible polymer. Upon printing in an aqueous environment, the polymer material hardens first and provides initial strength for the composite structure as well as flexibility. A self-setting reaction of the co-deposited CPC materials in the aqueous solution then forms, in-situ, a cement, such as hydroxyapatite, which then hardens to produce the final composite structure.
Dr. Stella Alimperti Dr. Yoontae Kim Dr. Eun-Jin Lee Dr. Laurence Chow Dr. Shozo Takagi
Phil Dowd, Director of Innovation, ADA Science & Research Institute, LLC