Tue September 06, 2022 - National Edition AUSA
AUSA's DR601AHG and DR1001AHG reversible dumpers have a 13,200 and 22,000 lb. payload, respectively, and comfortable hydrostatic transmission.
These compact earthmoving machines are mainly used in the construction sector, where their maneuverability and quick moves allows the operator to complete the job faster than with other traditional machinery, according to the manufacturer.
The design of the reversible driving position of these AUSA dumpers allows the seat to rotate 180 degrees and all components are instantly adjusted to suit the driver's new position: steering wheel, joystick, pedals, safety cameras and other features. That means the operator can always drive forwards, which is an important increase in the safety and helps to reduce the machine maneuvers.
In terms of technology, various systems have been included to make them more efficient dumpers: they have the ECO Mode function, where the engine speed is automatically controlled to ensure lower fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.
They are fitted with the Hill Holder system, a start-assist and safety system that engages the dumper's brake when you take your foot off the accelerator at zero speed. This significantly increases safety, especially when operating on slopes.
They also can be equipped with Smart Stop: a plug-in system that automatically shuts down the engine when it is not in use and the optimal time and safety requirements are met.
The new DR601AHG and DR1001AHG dumpers are equipped with a powerful 74.3 hp Deutz engine that complies with the Tier IV emissions standards and have an engine torque of [email protected] on the 6-tonne capacity and [email protected] on the 10-tonne.
In regards to the emissions, these reversible dumpers fit a new generation DPF with an automatic regeneration system. Even if the machine is only used a few hours a week, the system starts up by itself without having to do anything, the manufacturer said.
According to the estimated use of the machines, 95 percent of the time the operator will not have to carry out any type of action, the manufacturer said.
Finally, these models are available with a large number of accessories and finishes, including a ROPS/FOPS closed cab, which is easily removable for transport.
For more information, visit www.ausa.com.
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