Catalytic converter thefts on the rise | Preston County News |

2022-07-30 00:34:15 By : Mr. Fengxin Yan

Showers early with some clearing overnight. Low near 60F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 60%..

Showers early with some clearing overnight. Low near 60F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 60%.

KINGWOOD – AAA East Central warns that catalytic converter thefts are on the rise.

Preston County Sheriff Paul “Moe” Pritt said there has been a slight increase in catalytic converter thefts in the county but said it’s a practice that has been going on intermittently for years.

According to, a catalytic converter is an emissions control device that helps remove harmful greenhouse gases from a vehicle’s exhaust. Inside, there’s typically a piece of ceramic coated with various precious metals, including palladium, rhodium and platinum, which are the “catalysts” that create a chemical reaction to convert the harmful gases into safer substances.

The rhodium and palladium are worth more per ounce than gold.

Pritt said usually the thefts of catalytic converters happen in car lots or to vehicles parked along streets or in unlit areas. However, he said this is not always the case.

“A month ago we caught someone trying to steal one in the middle of Terra Alta,” he said.

“Catalytic converters are attractive to thieves because they can be sold for hundreds of dollars to scrapyards or internet buyers,” said Jonathon King, vice president of insurance sales for AAA East Central. “It’s important for vehicle owners to have comprehensive insurance coverage, which in most cases covers catalytic converter replacement.”

Pritt said price varies due to the size of the converter. Larger converters contain more of the precious metals buyers want.

SUVs and fleet vehicles are among the most targeted. Additionally Toyota Priuses have been targeted because they have two catalytic converters.

According to AAA East Central’s news release, once sold, catalytic converters can be resold to recyclers interested in the expensive metal inside them. Typically recyclers will pay $50 to $250 per catalytic converter.

Unfortunately the cost to replace the part could cost between $1,000 and $3,000 depending or the car or truck.

Some tips to prevent catalytic converter theft include parking in well-lit areas and close to building entrances, having the catalytic converter welded to the car frame, buying a converter-protection device and consider engraving your vehicle ID number or license plate number on the catalytic converter. This could alert a scrap dealer that it was stolen and make it easier to find the owner.

Staff Writer Jeniffer Graham can be reached at

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