A group of researchers working at the archaeological site of Pompeiiin the south of Italy, announced on Discovery of many furnished rooms “typical of the middle class”The cabinets full of objects closed since the eruption that devastated the city two millennia ago and now allow us to trace how these social areas lived.
In excavation it was discovered that a group of researchers working in the environment “House of the Lararium”A magnificent holy place that saw the light in 2018. In this new phase, experts have delved into Four rooms including spaceTwo on the first floor and two on the ground floor.
The director of the archaeological park, Gabriel Zuchtriegl, said in a statement that the discovery of these furnished rooms Provides insight into Pompeii’s lower and middle classes, “most of its population but underrepresented in sources”The moment it all ended, when the Vesuvius volcano erupted in AD 79, this Roman colony was buried for nearly two millennia.
Inside one of the rooms, with a plain and beaten earth floor, a five shelf wardrobe and two meters high that still preserves everyday items like glasses, plates, ceramics, small containers and amphora;, Researchers believe that this place could have served as a pantry.
The cabinet is exactly where it was at the time of the blast and a part has been broken as the roof of the house has collapsed due to the weight of the pyroplastic material. The expert, Zuchtriegl explained, will continue to investigate what the ashes hide on their lower shelves.
In another room of smaller dimensions, without decorations on its walls, a Simple bed with a portion of pillows, a three-legged table, a cup on it and an open trunkWhich is believed to have been evacuated by its owner while fleeing the fire.
The type of bed found last year in the slave room of the “Civita Giuluana” villa, free of any decorations, removable and without a mattress, only with a net of ropes.
In the trunk, investigators found small ceramic plate used for eating and an oil lamp With a bas-relief depicting the god Zeus turning into an eagle.
In another room on the first floor, another cupboard with plates and glasses for household use was found, a bronze basin and a “perfume burner” or “perfumer” in excellent condition.
“In The Roman Empire there was a a large section of the population fighting for their social status (…), a vulnerable section in political crises and famines but Ambitious when it comes to social climbingZuchtrigel explained.
This is why it is believed that the inhabitants of the Casa del Larario lived with the same ambition for prosperity, noting that although some rooms are decorated and some contain precious objects, others have wooden structures of “excessive simplicity”. Furniture has appeared.
“We don’t know the residents of the house but certainly represent the culture of the holiday that inspired the wonderful decoration of the courtyard the future he dreamed of more than a living reality“, reflected the director of the site.
Regarding the discovery, the Minister of Culture, Dario Franceschini, stressed that “Pompeii never ceases to amaze and has a beautiful story of recovery, proof that if Italy works as a team and youth People invest in research and innovation to achieve exceptional results”.
One of this type of excavation great historical value Since from them you can reconstruct lost information over time.
Last year, for example, a group of archaeologists examined the skeletal remains of victims of the eruption of Vesuvius at Herculaneum in AD 79, finding that The diet of the ancient Romans was differentiated by sexWhere women ate more animal products and locally grown fruits and vegetables, while men used more expensive foods such as fish.
This can be determined by a study led by the BioArCh team at the University of York in the United Kingdom, where a group of researchers developed a new approach to perform the analysis. amino acidsbuilding blocks of proteins, 17 Skeletons Number of adults found after the eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79
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