Mercedes Stolen And 7 Cars Burlgarized On Memorial Day In Livingston | Livingston, NJ Patch

2022-06-18 20:35:57 By : Ms. Thriven safety

LIVINGSTON, NJ — The Livingston police had a full slate of crimes to attend to on Memorial Day when a Mercedes was stolen and seven other cars were entered and burglarized, they said.

Police said Monday, a Mercedes Benz S560 was stolen from Martin Road. It had been left unlocked with a key fob in it.

The following cars were burglarized on Memorial Day:

Also, on May 27 at 4:30 p.m., Livingston officers responded to St Barnabas Medical Center on a report of a stolen catalytic converter. Upon arrival, officers found that a 2009 Toyota Prius that had been parked in the lot had its catalytic converter cut out and stolen.

The Livingston Detective Bureau is investigating these crimes.

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