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Scattered showers and thunderstorms. Low 53F. Winds E at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 40%..
Scattered showers and thunderstorms. Low 53F. Winds E at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 40%.
Despite hosting shows this summer and fall, the Taos Mesa Brewing Mothership's reopening isn't planned for any time in the near future, according to a social media post on the brewery's Facebook page.
Despite hosting shows this summer and fall, the Taos Mesa Brewing Mothership's reopening isn't planned for any time in the near future, according to a social media post on the brewery's Facebook page.
Events are about to get underway at the Taos Mesa Brewing Mothership this weekend, but that won't include a long-awaited reopening of the Mothership itself, according to a social media update from the local company.
Starting Saturday (Sept. 10), the Mothership will host Grammy Award-winning Rebirth Brass Band. Monolith on the Mesa, a three-day festival featuring metal, stoner, doom and drone music will commence the following weekend on the brewery grounds, followed by shows by Dakha Brakha (Sept. 23) and Imarhan (Oct. 8).
In July of 2020, the kitchen area of the building was damaged by a fire, whose origin was never made clear, and the brewery and venue have been closed ever since. According to the company's leadership, several attempts were made to reopen the venue earlier this year, including a July show featuring Gov't Mule, but the event was moved to Santa Fe.
“While we anticipated having the building open to the public by this time, current market realities have prevented this from happening," reads the post on the Taos Mesa Brewing Facebook page. "Things just take longer now than they did before. TMB will be offering the same quality refreshments, and we have contracted great local food vendors for all the above shows,” the brewery said in the social media post.
“The entire crew at TMB has been working diligently alongside our contractors to get the grounds in shape for these upcoming events.”
As of press time, it is not known when the brewery will open for food and beverage service.
Brewery Chief Executive Officer Jayson Wylie did not respond to requests for comment.
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