The MicroOLED Display for Apple’s 2nd-Gen Mixed Reality Headset will deliver a Resolution between 3,000 - 4,000ppi - Patently Apple

2022-06-18 20:33:39 By : Ms. Rosa Zhang

On Monday, Patently Apple posted a report titled “Rumor: Apple to use microOLED displays for its 1st-Gen MR Headset from Sony and LG Display for its 2nd-Gen Device.” The report noted that “Cupertino is expected to use Sony’s MicroOLED panel for the screen on its first MR device while the outer screen, or an 'indicator', which will be a regular OLED panel, will be provided by LG Display. Apple’s new device is expected to launch during the first half of next year.

MicroOLED technology mounts the OLED on a silicon substrate, unlike conventional panels that mount them on glasses.

We learned this week that LG will be using ultra high-resolution fine metal mask (FMM) from AP Systems. It was rumored in September 2021 that Apple requested FMM sample from AP Systems (APS Holdings) for use with the mixed reality headset. Apple had requested a resolution of 3000ppi (pixels per inch). Apple tested the FMM sample to see if it could be applied to production, then form a more concrete plant for the VR device’s development.

Earlier in 2021 APS Holdings was chosen by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy to develop a MicroOLED display technology for high luminance and high-resolution AR application. The national project’s aim is to develop a AR glass with 4000ppi resolution by 2024.

It appears that Apple’s testing proved successful, as APS is now set to build a new plant in Cheonan, South Korea. The aim is to initially make an FMM that could allow for 3000ppi (pixels per inch) resolution OLED production as Apple requested.

Upping the resolution from 1,000 to 3,000 requires the company to adopt new laser equipment. APS Materials said it plans to use laser instead of wet etching process done conventionally now for FMM production to achieve higher resolutions.

Resolution from 3000ppi to 4000ppi is enough to manufacture 1-inch MicroOLED displays that can be used for AR and VR devices.

LG has used APS FMM in the past for lower resolution displays. The timing of the rumor about LG being the chosen supplier for Apple’s second-generation MR Headset seems to be inline with the news of the APS plant aiming for 2024 production of FMM for LG Display.

Posted by Jack Purcher on June 18, 2022 at 08:11 AM in 5. Supply Chain News & Rumors | Permalink | Comments (0)

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