Of the 94 catalytic converter thefts in Elgin this year, 25 occurred in the first three weeks of June -- twice as many as the previous two months combined, Elgin police said. (BanksPhotos / iStock via Getty Images)
Twenty-five of the 94 catalytic converter thefts in Elgin this year occurred in the first three weeks of June, twice as many as the previous two months combined, Elgin police said.
While industrial parks, auto dealerships, apartment complexes and hotels were the locations for 82% of incidents overall, 52% of those that happened in June were in residential areas, police said.
The switch to more neighborhood thefts prompted the police department to put out a warning to residents, police Chief Ana Lalley said.
“For us, it’s important to put that information out there so people know it’s happening,” she said. “When we notice the trend, which is why we do crime stats every month, we talk about it rather than wait until the end of the year.”
The most targeted vehicle in Elgin is the Mitsubishi Outlander, followed by the Honda CR-V, Lalley said. Both are compact SUVs.
“I know it happens everywhere. People are aware it’s happening, but in Elgin this type of car is being targeted,” she said.
The appeal for thieves is the metals the converters contain, which can be sold for a lot of money.
“It’s got platinum, palladium and rare metals in it,” said Dave Kellenberger, who owns Kellenberger Auto Service in Elgin.
The city passed an ordinance in 2012 prohibiting recycling and pawn shops from accepting catalytic converters, Lalley said.
Kellenberger has had three customers whose catalytic converters were stolen recently, he said. One person “didn’t know it was gone. They just complained that (the vehicle) was loud,” he said.
“You know as soon as you start your car that someone’s stolen your converter. It’s extremely loud,” he said. “It’s very obvious. You can’t drive without it.”
A catalytic converter is part of the emissions system that converts exhaust fumes to carbon dioxide, Kellenberger said. If you don’t have one, your vehicle won’t pass an emissions test, he said.
Thieves use an electric saw to remove the device, which can be detached in a matter of minutes.
While insurance will sometimes cover the cost if it’s due to a theft, it’s an expensive part to replace, Kellenberger said. The cost can run anywhere from $1,000 to $3,000, according to advanceautoparts.com.
The police department offers these tips to reduce the risk of theft:
Gloria Casas is a freelance reporter for The Courier-News.